
Server 配置参考

本文提供了可用于配置 RKE2 Server 的所有参数的参考。请注意,这些内容引用了命令行参数,但配置 RKE2 的最佳方法是使用配置文件

RKE2 Server CLI 帮助

如果某个选项出现在括号中(例如 [$RKE2_TOKEN]),该选项可以作为该名称的环境变量传入。

rke2 server - Run management server

rke2 server [OPTIONS]

--config FILE, -c FILE (config) Load configuration from FILE (default: "/etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml") [$RKE2_CONFIG_FILE]
--debug (logging) Turn on debug logs [$RKE2_DEBUG]
--bind-address value (listener) rke2 bind address (default:
--advertise-address value (listener) IPv4 address that apiserver uses to advertise to members of the cluster (default: node-external-ip/node-ip)
--tls-san value (listener) Add additional hostnames or IPv4/IPv6 addresses as Subject Alternative Names on the server TLS cert
--data-dir value, -d value (data) Folder to hold state (default: "/var/lib/rancher/rke2")
--cluster-cidr value (networking) IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for pod IPs (default:
--service-cidr value (networking) IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for service IPs (default:
--service-node-port-range value (networking) Port range to reserve for services with NodePort visibility (default: "30000-32767")
--cluster-dns value (networking) IPv4 Cluster IP for coredns service. Should be in your service-cidr range (default:
--cluster-domain value (networking) Cluster Domain (default: "cluster.local")
--token value, -t value (cluster) Shared secret used to join a server or agent to a cluster [$RKE2_TOKEN]
--token-file value (cluster) File containing the cluster-secret/token [$RKE2_TOKEN_FILE]
--write-kubeconfig value, -o value (client) Write kubeconfig for admin client to this file [$RKE2_KUBECONFIG_OUTPUT]
--write-kubeconfig-mode value (client) Write kubeconfig with this mode [$RKE2_KUBECONFIG_MODE]
--kube-apiserver-arg value (flags) Customized flag for kube-apiserver process
--etcd-arg value (flags) Customized flag for etcd process
--kube-controller-manager-arg value (flags) Customized flag for kube-controller-manager process
--kube-scheduler-arg value (flags) Customized flag for kube-scheduler process
--etcd-expose-metrics (db) Expose etcd metrics to client interface. (Default false)
--etcd-disable-snapshots (db) Disable automatic etcd snapshots
--etcd-snapshot-name value (db) Set the base name of etcd snapshots. Default: etcd-snapshot-<unix-timestamp> (default: "etcd-snapshot")
--etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron value (db) Snapshot interval time in cron spec. eg. every 5 hours '0 */5 * * *' (default: "0 */12 * * *")
--etcd-snapshot-retention value (db) Number of snapshots to retain Default: 5 (default: 5)
--etcd-snapshot-dir value (db) Directory to save db snapshots. (Default location: ${data-dir}/db/snapshots)
--etcd-s3 (db) Enable backup to S3
--etcd-s3-endpoint value (db) S3 endpoint url (default: "s3.amazonaws.com")
--etcd-s3-endpoint-ca value (db) S3 custom CA cert to connect to S3 endpoint
--etcd-s3-skip-ssl-verify (db) Disables S3 SSL certificate validation
--etcd-s3-access-key value (db) S3 access key [$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
--etcd-s3-secret-key value (db) S3 secret key [$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
--etcd-s3-bucket value (db) S3 bucket name
--etcd-s3-region value (db) S3 region / bucket location (optional) (default: "us-east-1")
--etcd-s3-folder value (db) S3 folder
--disable value (components) Do not deploy packaged components and delete any deployed components (valid items: rke2-coredns, rke2-ingress-nginx, rke2-metrics-server)
--disable-scheduler (components) Disable Kubernetes default scheduler
--disable-cloud-controller (components) Disable rke2 default cloud controller manager
--disable-kube-proxy (components) Disable running kube-proxy
--node-name value (agent/node) Node name [$RKE2_NODE_NAME]
--node-label value (agent/node) Registering and starting kubelet with set of labels
--node-taint value (agent/node) Registering kubelet with set of taints
--image-credential-provider-bin-dir value (agent/node) The path to the directory where credential provider plugin binaries are located (default: "/var/lib/rancher/credentialprovider/bin")
--image-credential-provider-config value (agent/node) The path to the credential provider plugin config file (default: "/var/lib/rancher/credentialprovider/config.yaml")
--container-runtime-endpoint value (agent/runtime) Disable embedded containerd and use alternative CRI implementation
--snapshotter value (agent/runtime) Override default containerd snapshotter (default: "overlayfs")
--private-registry value (agent/runtime) Private registry configuration file (default: "/etc/rancher/rke2/registries.yaml")
--node-ip value, -i value (agent/networking) IPv4/IPv6 addresses to advertise for node
--node-external-ip value (agent/networking) IPv4/IPv6 external IP addresses to advertise for node
--resolv-conf value (agent/networking) Kubelet resolv.conf file [$RKE2_RESOLV_CONF]
--kubelet-arg value (agent/flags) Customized flag for kubelet process
--kube-proxy-arg value (agent/flags) Customized flag for kube-proxy process
--protect-kernel-defaults (agent/node) Kernel tuning behavior. If set, error if kernel tunables are different than kubelet defaults.
--agent-token value (experimental/cluster) Shared secret used to join agents to the cluster, but not servers [$RKE2_AGENT_TOKEN]
--agent-token-file value (experimental/cluster) File containing the agent secret [$RKE2_AGENT_TOKEN_FILE]
--server value, -s value (experimental/cluster) Server to connect to, used to join a cluster [$RKE2_URL]
--cluster-reset (experimental/cluster) Forget all peers and become sole member of a new cluster [$RKE2_CLUSTER_RESET]
--cluster-reset-restore-path value (db) Path to snapshot file to be restored
--system-default-registry value (image) Private registry to be used for all system images [$RKE2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_REGISTRY]
--selinux (agent/node) Enable SELinux in containerd [$RKE2_SELINUX]
--lb-server-port value (agent/node) Local port for supervisor client load-balancer. If the supervisor and apiserver are not colocated an additional port 1 less than this port will also be used for the apiserver client load-balancer. (default: 6444) [$RKE2_LB_SERVER_PORT]
--cni value (networking) CNI Plugins to deploy, one of none, calico, canal, cilium; optionally with multus as the first value to enable the multus meta-plugin (default: canal) [$RKE2_CNI]
--kube-apiserver-image value (image) Override image to use for kube-apiserver [$RKE2_KUBE_APISERVER_IMAGE]
--kube-controller-manager-image value (image) Override image to use for kube-controller-manager [$RKE2_KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_IMAGE]
--kube-proxy-image value (image) Override image to use for kube-proxy [$RKE2_KUBE_PROXY_IMAGE]
--kube-scheduler-image value (image) Override image to use for kube-scheduler [$RKE2_KUBE_SCHEDULER_IMAGE]
--pause-image value (image) Override image to use for pause [$RKE2_PAUSE_IMAGE]
--runtime-image value (image) Override image to use for runtime binaries (containerd, kubectl, crictl, etc) [$RKE2_RUNTIME_IMAGE]
--etcd-image value (image) Override image to use for etcd [$RKE2_ETCD_IMAGE]
--kubelet-path value (experimental/agent) Override kubelet binary path [$RKE2_KUBELET_PATH]
--cloud-provider-name value (cloud provider) Cloud provider name [$RKE2_CLOUD_PROVIDER_NAME]
--cloud-provider-config value (cloud provider) Cloud provider configuration file path [$RKE2_CLOUD_PROVIDER_CONFIG]
--profile value (security) Validate system configuration against the selected benchmark (valid items: cis-1.6, cis-1.23 ) [$RKE2_CIS_PROFILE]
--audit-policy-file value (security) Path to the file that defines the audit policy configuration [$RKE2_AUDIT_POLICY_FILE]
--control-plane-resource-requests value (components) Control Plane resource requests [$RKE2_CONTROL_PLANE_RESOURCE_REQUESTS]
--control-plane-resource-limits value (components) Control Plane resource limits [$RKE2_CONTROL_PLANE_RESOURCE_LIMITS]
--kube-apiserver-extra-mount value (components) kube-apiserver extra volume mounts [$RKE2_KUBE_APISERVER_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--kube-scheduler-extra-mount value (components) kube-scheduler extra volume mounts [$RKE2_KUBE_SCHEDULER_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--kube-controller-manager-extra-mount value (components) kube-controller-manager extra volume mounts [$RKE2_KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--kube-proxy-extra-mount value (components) kube-proxy extra volume mounts [$RKE2_KUBE_PROXY_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--etcd-extra-mount value (components) etcd extra volume mounts [$RKE2_ETCD_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--cloud-controller-manager-extra-mount value (components) cloud-controller-manager extra volume mounts [$RKE2_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_EXTRA_MOUNT]
--kube-apiserver-extra-env value (components) kube-apiserver extra environment variables [$RKE2_KUBE_APISERVER_EXTRA_ENV]
--kube-scheduler-extra-env value (components) kube-scheduler extra environment variables [$RKE2_KUBE_SCHEDULER_EXTRA_ENV]
--kube-controller-manager-extra-env value (components) kube-controller-manager extra environment variables [$RKE2_KUBE_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_EXTRA_ENV]
--kube-proxy-extra-env value (components) kube-proxy extra environment variables [$RKE2_KUBE_PROXY_EXTRA_ENV]
--etcd-extra-env value (components) etcd extra environment variables [$RKE2_ETCD_EXTRA_ENV]
--cloud-controller-manager-extra-env value (components) cloud-controller-manager extra environment variables [$RKE2_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_EXTRA_ENV]```