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Private Registry Configuration

Containerd can be configured to connect to private registries and use them to pull images as needed by the kubelet.

Upon startup, RKE2 will check to see if /etc/rancher/rke2/registries.yaml exists. If so, the registry configuration contained in this file is used when generating the containerd configuration.

  • If you want to use a private registry as a mirror for a public registry such as, then you will need to configure registries.yaml on each node that you want to use the mirror.
  • If your private registry requires authentication, uses custom TLS certificates, or does not use TLS, you will need to configure registries.yaml on each node that will pull images from your registry.

Note that server nodes are schedulable by default. If you have not tainted the server nodes and will be running workloads on them, please ensure you also create the registries.yaml file on each server as well.

Default Endpoint Fallback

Containerd has an implicit "default endpoint" for all registries. The default endpoint is always tried as a last resort, even if there are other endpoints listed for that registry in registries.yaml. Rewrites are not applied to pulls against the default endpoint. For example, when pulling, containerd will use a default endpoint of

  • The default endpoint for is
  • The default endpoint for all other registries is https://<REGISTRY>/v2, where <REGISTRY> is the registry hostname and optional port.

In order to be recognized as a registry, the first component of the image name must contain at least one period or colon. For historical reasons, images without a registry specified in their name are implicitly identified as being from

Version Gate

The disable-default-registry-endpoint option is available as an experimental feature as of February 2024 releases: v1.26.13+rke2r1, v1.27.10+rke2r1, v1.28.6+rke2r1, v1.29.1+rke2r1

Nodes may be configured with the disable-default-registry-endpoint: true option. When this is set, containerd will not fall back to the default registry endpoint, and will only pull from configured mirror endpoints, along with the distributed registry if it is enabled.

This may be desired if your cluster is in a true air-gapped environment where the upstream registry is not available, or if you wish to have only some nodes pull from the upstream registry.

Disabling the default registry endpoint applies only to registries configured via registries.yaml. If the registry is not explicitly configured via mirror entry in registries.yaml, the default fallback behavior will still be used.

Registries Configuration File

The file consists of two top-level keys, with subkeys for each registry:

- https://<REGISTRY>/v2
ca_file: <PATH TO SERVER CA>
cert_file: <PATH TO CLIENT CERT>
key_file: <PATH TO CLIENT KEY>


The mirrors section defines the names and endpoints of registries, for example:

- ""

Each mirror must have a name and set of endpoints. When pulling an image from a registry, containerd will try these endpoint URLs, plus the default endpoint, and use the first working one.

Note: If no endpoint is configured, containerd assumes that the registry can be accessed anonymously via HTTPS on port 443, and is using a certificate trusted by the host operating system. For more information, you may consult the containerd documentation.


If the private registry is used as a mirror for another registry, such as when configuring a pull through cache, images pulls are transparently redirected to the listed endpoints. The original registry name is passed to the mirror endpoint via the ns query parameter.

For example, if you have a mirror configured for

- ""

Then pulling will transparently pull the image as


Each mirror can have a set of rewrites, which use regular expressions to match and transform the name of an image when it is pulled from that mirror. This is useful if the organization/project structure in the private registry is different than the registry it is mirroring. Rewrites match and transform only the image name, NOT the tag.

For example, the following configuration would transparently pull the image rancher/rke2-runtime:v1.30.1-rke2r1 from

- ""
"^rancher/(.*)": "mirrorproject/rancher-images/$1"
Version Gate

Rewrites are no longer applied to the Default Endpoint as of the February 2024 releases: v1.26.13+rke2r1, v1.27.10+rke2r1, v1.28.6+rke2r1, v1.29.1+rke2r1 Prior to these releases, rewrites were also applied to the default endpoint, which would prevent RKE2 from pulling from the upstream registry if the image could not be pulled from a mirror endpoint, and the image was not available under the modified name in the upstream.

If you want to apply rewrites when pulling directly from a registry - when it is not being used as a mirror for a different upstream registry - you must provide a mirror endpoint that does not match the default endpoint. Mirror endpoints in registries.yaml that match the default endpoint are ignored; the default endpoint is always tried last with no rewrites, if fallback has not been disabled.

For example, if you have a registry at, and want to apply rewrites when explicitly pulling, you can add a mirror endpoint with the port listed. Because the mirror endpoint does not match the default endpoint - "" != "" - the endpoint is accepted as a mirror and rewrites are applied, despite it being effectively the same as the default.

- ""
"^rancher/(.*)": "mirrorproject/rancher-images/$1"

Note that when using mirrors and rewrites, images will still be stored under the original name. For example, crictl image ls will show as available on the node, even if the image was pulled from a mirror with a different name.


The configs section defines the TLS and credential configuration for each mirror. For each mirror you can define auth and/or tls.

The tls part consists of:

cert_fileThe client certificate path that will be used to authenticate with the registry
key_fileThe client key path that will be used to authenticate with the registry
ca_fileDefines the CA certificate path to be used to verify the registry's server cert file
insecure_skip_verifyBoolean that defines if TLS verification should be skipped for the registry

The auth part consists of either username/password or authentication token:

usernameuser name of the private registry basic auth
passworduser password of the private registry basic auth
authauthentication token of the private registry basic auth

Below are basic examples of using private registries in different modes:

Wildcard Support

Version Gate

Wildcard support is available as of the March 2024 releases: v1.26.15+rke2r1, v1.27.12+rke2r1, v1.28.8+rke2r1, v1.29.3+rke2r1

The "*" wildcard entry can be used in the mirrors and configs sections to provide default configuration for all registries. The default configuration will only be used if there is no specific entry for that registry. Note that the asterisk MUST be quoted.

In the following example, a local registry mirror will be used for all registries. TLS verification will be disabled for all registries, except

- ""
insecure_skip_verify: true

With TLS

Below are examples showing how you may configure /etc/rancher/rke2/registries.yaml on each node when using TLS.

- ""
username: xxxxxx # this is the registry username
password: xxxxxx # this is the registry password
cert_file: # path to the cert file used to authenticate to the registry
key_file: # path to the key file for the certificate used to authenticate to the registry
ca_file: # path to the ca file used to verify the registry's certificate
insecure_skip_verify: # may be set to true to skip verifying the registry's certificate

Without TLS

Below are examples showing how you may configure /etc/rancher/rke2/registries.yaml on each node when not using TLS.

- ""
username: xxxxxx # this is the registry username
password: xxxxxx # this is the registry password

If using a registry using plaintext HTTP without TLS, you need to specify http:// as the endpoint URI scheme, otherwise it will default to https://.

In order for the registry changes to take effect, you need to either configure this file before starting RKE2 on the node, or restart RKE2 on each configured node.

Troubleshooting Image Pulls

When Kubernetes experiences problems pulling an image, the error displayed by the kubelet may only reflect the terminal error returned by the pull attempt made against the default endpoint, making it appear that the configured endpoints are not being used.

Check the containerd log on the node at /var/lib/rancher/rke2/agent/containerd/containerd.log for detailed information on the root cause of the failure.