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CIS Hardening Guide

This document provides prescriptive guidance for hardening a production installation of RKE2. It outlines the configurations and controls required to address Kubernetes benchmark controls from the Center for Internet Security (CIS).

For more details about evaluating a hardened cluster against the official CIS benchmark, refer to the appropiate CIS Self-Assessment Guide:

RKE2 is designed to be "hardened by default" and pass the majority of the Kubernetes CIS controls without modification. There are a few notable exceptions to this that require manual intervention to fully pass the CIS Benchmark:

  1. RKE2 will not modify the host operating system. Therefore, you, the operator, must make a few host-level modifications.
  2. Certain CIS controls for Network Policies and Pod Security Standards (or Pod Security Policies (PSP) on RKE2 versions prior to v1.25) will restrict the functionality of the cluster. You must opt into having RKE2 configure these for you. To help ensure these requirements are met, RKE2 can be started with the profile flag set to cis, cis-1.23, or cis-1.6 depending on the RKE2 version.

This guide assumes that RKE2 has been installed, but is not yet running. If you have already started RKE2, you will need to stop the RKE2 service.

Host-level requirements

There are three areas of host-level requirements: kernel parameters, kubelet's protect-kernel-defaults and etcd process/directory configuration. These are outlined in this section.

Kernel parameters

CIS benchmark requires some specific kernel parameters configuration to be set. When RKE2 is installed, it creates a sysctl config file to set the required parameters appropriately. However, it does not automatically configure the host to use this configuration. You must do this manually. The location of the config file depends on the installation method used.

If RKE2 was installed via RPM, YUM, or DNF (the default on OSes that use RPMs, such as CentOS), run the following commands:

sudo cp -f /usr/share/rke2/rke2-cis-sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d/60-rke2-cis.conf
sudo systemctl restart systemd-sysctl

If RKE2 was installed via the tarball (the default on OSes that do not use RPMs, such as Ubuntu), run the following commands:

sudo cp -f /usr/local/share/rke2/rke2-cis-sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d/60-rke2-cis.conf
sudo systemctl restart systemd-sysctl

If your system lacks the systemd-sysctl.service and/or the /etc/sysctl.d directory, you will want to make sure the sysctls are applied at boot by running the following command during start-up:

sudo sysctl -p /usr/local/share/rke2/rke2-cis-sysctl.conf

Please perform this step only on fresh installations, before actually using RKE2 to deploy Kubernetes. Many Kubernetes components, including CNI plugins, set up their own sysctls. Restarting the systemd-sysctl service on a running Kubernetes cluster can result in unexpected side-effects.

Kubelet parameter protect-kernel-defaults is set to true

This is a kubelet flag that will cause the kubelet to exit if the required kernel parameters are unset or are set to values that are different from the kubelet's defaults.

RKE2 will automatically set the flag to true when the profile flag is set.


protect-kernel-defaults is exposed as a top-level flag for RKE2. If you have set profile to cis-1.XX and protect-kernel-defaults to false explicitly, RKE2 will exit with an error.

RKE2 will also check the same kernel parameters that the kubelet does and exit with an error following the same rules as the kubelet. This is done as a convenience to help the operator more quickly and easily identify what kernel parameters are violating the kubelet defaults.

Etcd is configured properly

The CIS Benchmark requires that the etcd data directory be owned by the etcd user and group. This implicitly requires the etcd process run as the host-level etcd user. To achieve this, RKE2 takes several steps when started with a valid cis or cis-1.XX profile:

  1. Check that the etcd user and group exists on the host. If they don't, exit with an error.
  2. Create etcd's data directory with etcd as the user and group owner.
  3. Ensure the etcd process is run as the etcd user and group by setting the etcd static pod's SecurityContext appropriately.

On some Linux distributions, the useradd command will not create a group. The -U flag is included below to account for that. This flag tells useradd to create a group with the same name as the user.

sudo useradd -r -c "etcd user" -s /sbin/nologin -M etcd -U

RKE2 configuration

Generic CIS configuration

Version Gate

Available with October 2023 releases (v1.25.15+rke2r1, v1.26.10+rke2r1, v1.27.7+rke2r1, v1.28.3+rke2r1)

profile: "cis"

Using the generic cis profile will ensure that the cluster passes the CIS benchmark (rke2-cis-1.XX-profile-hardened) associated with the Kubernetes version that RKE2 is running. For example, RKE2 v1.26.XX with the profile: cis will pass the rke2-cis-1.8-profile-hardened in Rancher.

Use of the generic cis profile ensures that upgrades to RKE2 do not require a change to existing configuration. Whatever changes are necessary to pass applicable CIS benchmark will be automatically applied.

A rough mapping of RKE2 versions to CIS benchmark versions is as follows:

RKE2 MinorsApplicable CIS BenchmarkProfile Flag
1.261.8cis-1.23, cis
1.251.7cis-1.23, cis

The configuration file must be named config.yaml and placed in /etc/rancher/rke2. The directory needs to be created prior to installing RKE2.

When the profile flag is set it does the following:

  1. Checks that host-level requirements have been met. If they haven't, RKE2 will exit with a fatal error describing the unmet requirements.

  2. Applies network policies that allow the cluster to pass associated controls.

  3. Configures the Pod Security Admission Controller to enforce restricted mode in all namespaces, with the exception of the kube-system, cis-operator-system, and tigera-operator namespaces. These namespaces are exempted to allow system pods to run without restrictions, which is required for proper operation of the cluster.
    For more information about the PSA configuration, see the default Pod Security Admission configurations.
    For more information about Pod Security Standards, please refer to the official documentation.

Kubernetes runtime requirements

The runtime requirements to pass the CIS Benchmark are centered around pod security and network policies. Most of this is automatically handled by RKE2 when using a valid cis-1.XX profile, but some additional operator intervention is required.

Pod Security

RKE2 always runs with some amount of pod security.

On v1.25 and newer, Pod Security Admission (PSA) are used for pod security. A default Pod Security Admission config file will be added to the cluster upon startup as follows:

With the cis/cis-1.23 profile:

  • RKE2 will apply a restricted pod security standard via a configuration file which will enforce restricted mode throughout the cluster with an exception to the kube-system, cis-operator-system and tigera-operator namespaces to ensure successful operation of system pods.

Without the cis/cis-1.23 profile:

  • RKE2 will apply a nonrestricted pod security standard via a configuration file which will enforce privileged mode throughout the cluster which allows a completely unrestricted mode to all pods in the cluster.

See the Pod Security Policies page for more details.


The Kubernetes control plane components and critical additions such as CNI, DNS, and Ingress are ran as pods in the kube-system namespace. Therefore, this namespace will have a policy that is less restrictive so that these components can run properly.

Network Policies

When ran with a valid "cis-1.XX" profile, RKE2 will put NetworkPolicies in place that passes the CIS Benchmark for Kubernetes' built-in namespaces. These namespaces are: kube-system, kube-public, and default.

The NetworkPolicy used will only allow pods within the same namespace to talk to each other. There are some notable exceptions to this is that it allows DNS requests to be resolved.

  • DNS requests are allowed to reach the dns server
  • HTTP/s requests are allowed to reach the ingress-nginx service
  • HTTPs requests are allowed to reach the metrics-server
  • Requests to the ingress-nginx webhook on the specified pod by the ingress-nginx pod (normally 8443)
  • HTTPs requests to the rke2-snapshot-validation-webhook
Operator Intervention Required

Operators must manage network policies as normal for additional namespaces that are created.

Configure default service account

Set automountServiceAccountToken to false for default service accounts

Kubernetes provides a default service account which is used by cluster workloads where no specific service account is assigned to the pod. Where access to the Kubernetes API from a pod is required, a specific service account should be created for that pod, and rights granted to that service account. The default service account should be configured such that it does not provide a service account token and does not have any explicit rights assignments.

For each namespace including default and kube-system on a standard RKE2 install, the default service account must include this value:

automountServiceAccountToken: false

RKE2 will automatically set the value correctly for kube-system, cis-operator-system, kube-node-lease and tigera-operator namespaces.

Operator Intervention Required

For namespaces created by the cluster operator, the following script and configuration file can be used to configure the default service account.

The configuration below must be saved to a file called account_update.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
automountServiceAccountToken: false

Create a bash script file called Be sure to sudo chmod +x so the script has execute permissions.

#!/bin/bash -e

for namespace in $(kubectl get namespaces -A -o=jsonpath="{.items[*]['']}"); do
echo -n "Patching namespace $namespace - "
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -n ${namespace} -p "$(cat account_update.yaml)"

Execute this script to apply the account_update.yaml configuration to default service account in all namespaces.

API Server audit configuration

CIS requirements 1.2.22 to 1.2.25 are related to configuring audit logs for the API Server. When RKE2 is started with the profile flag set, it will automatically configure hardened --audit-log- parameters in the API Server to pass those CIS checks.

RKE2's default audit policy is configured to not log requests in the API Server. This is done to allow cluster operators flexibility to customize an audit policy that suits their auditing requirements and needs, as these are specific to each users' environment and policies.

A default audit policy is created by RKE2 when started with the profile flag set. The policy is defined in /etc/rancher/rke2/audit-policy.yaml.

kind: Policy
creationTimestamp: null
- level: None
Operator Intervention Required

To start logging requests to the API Server, at least level parameter must be modified, for example, to Metadata. Detailed information about policy configuration for the API server can be found in the Kubernetes documentation.

After adapting the audit policy, RKE2 must be restarted to load the new configuration.

sudo systemctl restart rke2-server.service

API Server audit logs will be written to /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/logs/audit.log.

Known issues

The following are controls that default RKE2 currently does not pass. Each gap will be explained and how it is addressed.

Control 1.1.12

Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcd.

etcd is a highly-available key-value store used by Kubernetes deployments for persistent storage of all of its REST API objects. This data directory should be protected from any unauthorized reads or writes. It should be owned by etcd:etcd.

This can be remediated by creating an etcd user and group as described above.

Control 5.1.5

Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used

Kubernetes provides a default service account which is used by cluster workloads where no specific service account is assigned to the pod.

Where access to the Kubernetes API from a pod is required, a specific service account should be created for that pod, and rights granted to that service account.

The default service account should be configured such that it does not provide a service account token and does not have any explicit rights assignments.

This can be remediated by updating the automountServiceAccountToken field to false for the default service account in each namespace.


If you have followed this guide, your RKE2 cluster will be configured to pass the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark. You can review our CIS Self-Assessment Guides to understand how we verified each of the benchmarks and how you can do the same on your cluster.